1-DAY ACUVUE DEFINE Natural Shine Brown Circle Lenses
Ever curious how Asian celebrities have big, glossy eyes in videos and IRL? The secret’s out – it’s these 1-Day Acuvue Define circle lenses!
This line of cosmetic contacts was designed to mimic the striations of natural irises as closely as possible. The result is a beautiful enhancement lens that brings out your eyes’ true sparkle. Your eyes get a boost of definition from the limbal ring, printed at just the right thickness to prevent an unnatural borders. They also deliver an amazing highlight with their soft, yet bold base color (caramel brown for the Natural Shine shade).
Comes with 30 lenses per box.
LACREON® Technology with an embedded wetting agent.
One of the highest levels of UV protections in a contact lens.
Near and farsighted prescriptions are available.
Daily contacts.
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